How Angels Help You to Recapture the Spirit of Joy
Learn and use these spiritual techniques from Archangel Gabriel, including mantras, visualizations, and the perspective of the angels, to help you be that spark of joy!
Imagine getting help from a life coach the angels use, like Archangel Gabriel!
Elizabeth Clare Prophet recounts her experience with Archangel Gabriel and how his guidance helped shape her life. She believes that an experience with the angels is not for the few. That with effective spiritual techniques, you can also connect with your angels to bring joy into your life. A joy that sustains you on a consistent basis, regardless of what life throws at you.
Why Would the Archangels Help You?
Earth is a giant schoolroom. And, let’s face it, for many it seems to be the school of hard knocks. If it is a school, what does our graduation look like? The mystics of all religions believe it is union with God – our ascension. So to go from where we are now to our ascension, we need the help of those great spiritual guides – the archangels. They help us because we need them!
Archangel Gabriel is the archangel who has helped many a spiritual striver pass their tests – overcoming anger, addictions, self-destructive habits and depression – to find their way back to a oneness with their Divine Self.
Set Your Goal and Enlist the Aid of the Angels
Your ascension doesn’t just happen. You have to define it as a goal and understand how to get there. It doesn’t happen “just because you’re a good person.” There are requirements and many test along the way – some small and some life challenging. Our souls have to pass through the trial by fire of which St. Paul spoke. That is the sacred fire of God. And then there is the lifelong challenge of karma, dealing with our karma.
From The Prophet Archives, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings you tried and true spiritual techniques from the archangels to help you pass your tests, overcome your karma, and recapture and maintain your spirit of joy. Hold on to the light within your aura! Learn and use these spiritual techniques from Archangel Gabriel, including mantras, visualizations, and the perspective of the angels, to help you be that spark of joy!
To download the Angel booklet for songs, decrees and mantras referred to in the lecture, go to: http://tsl.org/AngelBooklet